Valid For : -Junior suite-|-Exclusive Room-|-Superior room accessible to people with reduced mobility-|-Comfort room-|-Apartment 1-for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 3 - for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 10-|
Located in the garden level extension, these two bedrooms have a private terrace .
They are, so to speak, in the garden a few steps from the Mas des Bories swimming pool.
A room accessible to disabled people, with 1 bed 160x200 cm, and a bathroom
with an Italian shower (bedroom 11).
A bedroom with a choice of 2 90x200cm beds or 1 180x200cm bed (bedroom 10).
Bio-cotton mattress, GREENFIRST natural anti-mite and hypoallergenic treatment based on extracts
essential oils of lemon, lavender and eucalyptus. Duvets and pillows selected for their
LED flat screen TV.
High-speed Internet access by free WiFi.
Bathrooms equipped with heated towel rails, walk-in shower with rain jet. Hair dryer.
All on one level with independent access .
Valid For : -Junior suite-|-Exclusive Room-|-Superior room accessible to people with reduced mobility-|-Comfort room-|-Apartment 1-for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 3 - for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 10-|