Valid For : -Junior suite-|-Exclusive Room-|-Superior room accessible to people with reduced mobility-|-Comfort room-|-Apartment 1-for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 3 - for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 10-|
To welcome you more independently, we have just created two 28 m² apartments.
Their decoration uses relaxing and current, "trendy" colors.
They have a kitchenette equipped with a sink, a table-top fridge, a microwave, a Dolce Gusto coffee maker, and the necessary crockery for 4 people.
They are managed like apartments, meaning that cleaning is only done at the end of the stay, except on
request, at the price of 30 €..
Bedroom with a 160x200 cm bed
Bathroom with WC
A 2nd independent WC
A separate shower
A room including the kitchenette and the living-dining room (sofa bed and standing table)
Valid For : -Junior suite-|-Exclusive Room-|-Superior room accessible to people with reduced mobility-|-Comfort room-|-Apartment 1-for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 3 - for 2 to 4 people|-Apartment 10-|